
I'm Joshua Philips, a Full Stack Developer specializing in Ruby on Rails and modern JavaScript.

Here are some of my fun projects:

Manager Material: A project manager app that integrates Slack and automatic emails to streamline workflow and increase productivity in an Agile environment. Built in the MEAN Stack

Text-Analyzer: An app that scrapes an article from a popular music website and reduces the article. Built using Node and Pug.

Should I Mow?: An app that evaluates whether or not you should mow the grass based on geolocating and real-time weather information. Built using node and Angular 1.x

Countdown Clock: A countdown clock with some bonus features. Built using vanilla JavaScript.

Korean Name Generator: An app that generates names in the Korean language. Built using React.js.ch

Conjugations: An app that takes the base form of a Japanese verb and conjugates it. Built using Elm.

You can contact me via email or check me out on LinkedIn or GitHub